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Nursery Managers Show


  1. Nursery Operational Excellence Theatre
    45 mins
    • Reinforce your knowledge of the 7 areas of learning under the EYFS

    • Hear from 'Outstanding' nursery managers who have been particularly successful at implementing one of the areas

    • Workshop how you can stick to the EYFS while moulding your curriculum to suit your setting

    • Leave with 5 concrete actions to make your curriculum your own

  1. Nursery Operational Excellence Theatre
    45 mins
    • Hear why Ofsted’s strategy has a focus on early years

    • Discover and discuss the importance of communication and language

    • Learn how to build a curriculum for communication and language

    • Find out what happens on inspection, and why Ofsted says ‘do nothing’ when asked ‘what do I need to do to prepare for my inspection?’

  1. Nursery Operational Excellence Theatre
    45 mins
    • Learn how to attract and retain good staff during a recruitment crisis

    • Understand the importance of particular pay and benefits to staff

    • Discover innovative approaches to staff wellbeing and creating an environment where employees can thrive

  1. Break
    45 mins
  1. Nursery Operational Excellence Theatre
    45 mins
    • When a child arrives at your nursery with two mummies or two daddies, how do you make them feel welcome and included? When refugee families move to your area, how do you offer holistic care for them and their children?

    • Learn how to create a real culture of inclusion and safety for everyone in your community

    • Work in groups to discuss real case studies and how you would manage them

  1. Nursery Operational Excellence Theatre
    45 mins
    • Hear from an innovative nursery based in a care village offering dementia and nursing care

    • Learn how intergenerational relationships can radically enrich children's and older people's lives

    • Take away a step-by-step guide to building relationships with care homes and elderly communities in your area

  1. Nursery CPD 1
    45 mins
    • Banish imposter syndrome and learn how to confidently manage your team
    • Role-play difficult situations that can arise at work and how to handle them with conviction
    • Learn what 'Barack Obama' effect is and how to harness it
    • Discover speech and body-language tricks to make you appear more confident, even when you don't feel it
    • Leave with a CPD-accredited certificate
  1. Nursery CPD 1
    45 mins
    • Discover the importance of real connection with autistic children though play, purposeful and connected engagement, and consistent positive interactions
    • Analyse the impact of your environment on sensory seekers and avoiders, and learn how to reduce triggers
    • Develop your own toolkit of strategies to truly embed neuroinclusion within your pedagogy

    • Leave with a CPD-accredited certificate

  1. Nursery CPD 1
    45 mins
    • Learn how to confidently lead an Ofsted learning walk
    • Get your hands on a 10-point checklist to cover during the walk
    • Learn how to have a conversation with the inspector before walking into rooms where a child or staff member might find their presence difficult
    • Feel prepared to practice your own learning walk and go for that Ofsted 'outstanding' rating
    • Leave with a CPD-accredited certificate
  1. Break
    45 mins
  1. Nursery CPD 1
    45 mins
    • - Banish imposter syndrome and learn how to confidently manage your team

    • Role-play difficult situations that can arise at work and how to handle them with conviction

    • Learn what the 'Barack Obama' effect is and how to harness it

    • Discover speech and body-language tricks to make you appear more confident, even when you don't feel it

    • Leave with a CPD-accredited certificate

  1. Nursery CPD 1
    45 mins
    • Learn how to confidently lead an Ofsted learning walk

    • Get your hands on a 10-point checklist to cover during the walk

    • Learn how to have a conversation with the inspector before walking into rooms where a child or staff member might find their presence difficult

    • Feel prepared to practice your own learning walk and go for that Ofsted 'outstanding' rating

    • Leave with a CPD-accredited certificate

  1. Nursery CPD 2
    45 mins
    • Discover how to prioritise the wellbeing of your team to create a positive working environment

    • Learn how good wellbeing strategies can improve business outcomes

    • Get creative and share ideas with other managers about fun and effective wellbeing initiatives

    • Discover how a 'wellbeing station' can make all the difference to your team

    • Leave with a CPD-accredited certificate

  1. Nursery CPD 2
    45 mins
    • Get hands-on training on how to have difficult conversations with parents and staff alike
    • Role-play real case studies and practice the best way of dealing with tricky situations
    • Learn strategies for conducting disciplinary meetings
    • Leave with a CPD-accredited certificate
  1. Nursery CPD 2
    45 mins
    • Discover how to prioritise the wellbeing of your team to create a positive working environment

    • Learn how good wellbeing strategies can improve business outcomes

    • Get creative and share ideas with other managers about fun and effective wellbeing initiatives

    • Discover how a 'wellbeing station' can make all the difference to your team

    • Leave with a CPD-accredited certificate

  1. Break
    45 mins
  1. Nursery CPD 2
    45 mins
    • Discover the importance of real connection with autistic children though play, purposeful and connected engagement, and consistent positive interactions
    • Analyse the impact of your environment on sensory seekers and avoiders, and learn how to reduce triggers
    • Develop your own toolkit of strategies to truly embed neuroinclusion within your pedagogy
    • Leave with a CPD-accredited certificate
  1. Nursery CPD 2
    45 mins
    • Get hands-on training on how to have difficult conversations with parents and staff alike
    • Role-play real case studies and practice the best way of dealing with tricky situations
    • Learn strategies for conducting disciplinary meetings
    • Leave with a CPD-accredited certificate
  1. Break
    45 mins
  1. Entertainment Stage
    30 mins
    • Hear Davina discuss her life experiences and hard-won wisdom, as detailed in her memoir Lessons I've Learned
    • Catch a taboo-busting discussion about the menopause, banishing shame and talking openly about this life-changing experience
  1. Entertainment Stage
    30 mins

    Davina McCall discusses the challenges and successes of the early years sector with 2022’s National NMT Nursery Award winners.

    Both days

    • Karen Horn, Lead SENCO, Naturally Learning 
    • Josie Mapes, Head of education, The Lime Trees
    • Amanda Bates, Nursery manager, The Lime Trees

    Friday 30 June only

    • Kerry Nettel, Deputy Manager, Storal Learning
    • Joyce Braimah, Area Manager, Hungry Caterpillar Day Nurseries
    • Gemma Fletcher, Area manager, Kidzrus

    Saturday 01 July only

    • Emma Bryant, Nursery Manager, Hungry Caterpillar Day Nurseries
  1. Entertainment Stage
    45 mins
  1. Break
    45 mins
  1. Break
    45 mins
  1. Wellbeing Theatre
    45 mins
    • Learn how to make the most of your budget at a time of financial difficulty
    • Access resources to help with everything from paying for childcare to managing debt and accessing emergency housing
    • Workshop how to plan for a healthy financial future
  1. Wellbeing Theatre
    45 mins
    • Learn about the stages of grief and how to manage them in a healthy way
    • Discover how to help your staff who may be going through grief, either due to losing someone at work or in their personal life
    • Learn how the Compassionate Employers programme can support your workplace
  1. Wellbeing Theatre
    45 mins
    • Learn about the impact of menopause on workforce retention 
    • Discover what ‘good support’ looks like and what you can do
    • Discuss case studies: what would you do in this situation?
    • Leave with a template menopause policy for your workplace
  1. Break
    45 mins
  1. Wellbeing Theatre
    45 mins
    • Jess will guide us through several self-compassionate exercises to sustain our wellbeing – some just take 30 seconds, and can be applied anywhere anytime. 
    • Drawing on neuroscience and psychology to explain the benefits of self-compassion to you and your relationships
    • Sharing practical tips such as setting healthy boundaries to carve out time for yourself, even in a hectic schedule 
  1. Wellbeing Theatre
    45 mins
    • Stretch those muscles out after a long day in this chair yoga class
    • Improve your wellbeing through gentle, strengthening exercise
    • Take away some quick routines to do at your desk
  1. Break
    45 mins
  1. Technology Stage
    45 mins
    • Discover the key principles of online safety and the pedagogical approaches you can take
    • Find solutions to the challenges of communicating this topic to young children
    • Leave with a stepped approach to age-appropriate digital literacy to use in your setting
    • Gain exclusive access to online training for your staff and parents on teaching digital safety to under-fives
  1. Break
    180 mins
  1. Technology Stage
    45 mins
    • Discuss the difficulties of reaching those parents who, no matter how hard you try, don't want to engage
    • Hear how other nursery managers have built relationships with families, and nick some of their strategies
    • Share your own tactics that have helped improve communication with parents
    • Hear how technology can help streamline communication and build trust with families

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